» Events » Sixth Annual Kenny Benny
$8800 was the total take this year. A little down from last year's totals but I'm still very pleased and you should all be too! Thanks to all who attended and contributed! The money will be distributed as follows:
We have July 8th and 15th reserved for the golf outing next year. We are leaning towards the 8th because the 4th falls on a Monday which would enable us to plan just like we did this past year. Once we hammer down the date within the next week or two, Ill send an email out letting you all know so you can start making your plans. It will be a two day event again in 2011.
Please do your best to support the sponsors throughout the year! Obviously without them our numbers wouldn't be where they are. Thanks to you all!1st prize: $1000.00
2nd prize: $500.00
3rd prize: $250.00
The BBQ will take place at Brian O'Connor's residence (same as years past) at 3:00 on July 10th with food being served around 5:00. His address is 9247 Mentor Ave in Mentor behind Bob Evans and Chancellor University. There will be a Chinese auction with spectacular prizes again this year and also a cash raffle. Parking has gotten more difficult during recent benefits due to the size of the event so please be aware of the businesses that are open during the hours of the event and please don't take their parking spaces. Worst case scenario, there is plenty of parking at the eastern area of the Walmart parking lot that you can use and then just walk over to the party from there. The cost for attending the BBQ will be $25 per person if you pay by June 25th or $30 in person at the door. River Junction will be the headlining band this year again.
Included in the costs of the BBQ will be donation's to multiple charities in memory of Kenny. The primary recipients of the money we raise this year will be announced soon. Golfing in the scramble does not automatically include you in the BBQ. We need to hear from anybody that plans on attending the BBQ so we can get the proper amount of food ordered. This will be an adult only event so try to book a babysitter soon. If anybody would like to donate their time, we can use some help on a variety of tasks so email Dan Staebler if you're available.
Please remember that there is plenty of room to pitch a tent on Brian's property and we invite you to do so. Please don't drink and drive! Forward this on to anyone that might be interested in attending. This is an open invitation event and all we ask is that you call, mail your payment to, or email Dan ahead of time so you can be added to the guest list and so we can accurately order the food, tables, chairs, beer etc...
The golf outing will be held at Lost Nation Golf Course in Willoughby off of Lost Nation Rd with a t-time of 8:30 am sharp. Registration will start at 7:30 am. All foursomes from last year have a spot reserved until May 15th. There is currently a waiting list to get in on the golf so if you don't confirm your foursome by May 15th we will make that spot available to the next group in line. Confirm your spot by calling
To sponsor a hole please call